Rickert Nature
Teucrium Canadense
Canada Germander
- Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
- Flowering: June-September.
- Field Marks: Only one lip of the flower is developed in this
species, distinguishing it from all other mints.
- Habitat: Moist woods, along streams, in meadows.
- Habit: Perennial herb with long, slender rhizomes.
- Stems: Erect, branched or rarely unbranched, hairy, up to 4 feet
- Leaves: Opposite, simple, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, pointed at
the tip, tapering to or rounded at the base, round-toothed.
- Flowers: Many crowded in terminal spikes, the spikes up to 6 inches
long, each flower purplish, subtended by a short, narrow bract.
- Sepals: 5, green, united below, asymmetrical.
- Petals: 5, asymmetrical, the upper lip absent, the lower lip
3-lobed, up to 1/2 inch long, purplish.
- Stamens: 4, protruding beyond the petals.
- Pistils: Ovary superior, 4-lobed.
- Fruits: Nutlets 4, yellow-brown, veiny, ellipsoid, up to 1/10 inch
Used by Chippewa Indians as a colic medicine.